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Clean Matters.

Wanting to feel beautiful shouldn’t come at the price of our health or the health of the planet. We review products that work and make recommendations based off of your skincare or make up needs.

You are What’s on Your Skin

You are What’s on Your Skin

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health looked into the skin's absorption rates of chemicals found in drinking water. It showed that the skin absorbed an average of 64% of total contaminant dosage.


Just because something is being sold to you doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safe. In fact the more I learn, the more I realize that nothing is truly safe. So instead I’m trying my best to be as chemically free as possible.


There’s a trend right now, where ads for skincare say that this product was tested and showed “clinically proven” results. Clinically proven only means that the effects of the product have been studied for efficacy, but the product itself has not been regulated for safety.

There are plenty of safe products that don’t cause cancers, don’t affect your ability to get pregnant, and don’t prematurely age you. But we fall into this trap of thinking that products clinically proven are safe.


“Dermatologist recommended” products fall into this category as well. It just means, from an efficacy standpoint the product was recommended by a dermatologist. It does not mean that there were clinical trials or hard evidence to back up the efficacy, nor was there a committee reviewing the safety.

10 Products for a Fresh Face

10 Products for a Fresh Face

What is Niacinamide?

What is Niacinamide?