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Clean Matters.

Wanting to feel beautiful shouldn’t come at the price of our health or the health of the planet. We review products that work and make recommendations based off of your skincare or make up needs.

Clean is Effective

Clean is Effective

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While the popular opinion is that clean skincare doesn’t work, the results I have had from switching to clean products over the past year, say otherwise. Apart from learning the fragrances and parabens can actually cause signs of aging, one of the best things I have learned on my wellness journey is that clean is sometimes more effective than the chemical alternatives. And, it’s safer too.

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In the beginning, I eliminated anything that had phenoyethanol in it, because I found out it was an endocrine disruptor that was also linked fertility issues. Then I eliminated octinoxate and chemical sunscreens because of it’s cancer causing, learning development, and reef-killing properties.

What’s next? Talc. Also linked to cancer and lung problems talc is probably in your dry hair shampoo, your eye shadow, and maybe even your bronzer. Basically, if your product comes in powder form it probably contains it.

Stay tuned next week for tried and true talc free products that work.

Small Business Holiday Gift Guide

Small Business Holiday Gift Guide

Safe Suncreens and Skin Tints You'll wear all Summer

Safe Suncreens and Skin Tints You'll wear all Summer